Image Credit: Image Comics

Journalist Kate Marsden is finally closing in on serial killer Darwin Collier, but the Gillman seems, in turn, to be closing in on her. Striking a deal with the local scientists, one of whom is looking for revenge on the Gillman for scarring him three decades ago, they head towards their respective targets, but someone has a shocking secret to reveal before the issue’s end.

Though writers Dan Watters and Ram V, have been using the Gillman sparingly thus far, we see a little more of him this time, with some absolutely stunning splash pages from artist, Matthew Roberts.

There’s some genuinely brilliant panel transitions and compositions here too, which really sell the oppressive atmosphere and the hallucinations which Marsden experiences, thanks to her drowning-related PTSD.

This is already the penultimate issue, and I’m enjoying it so much that I’m really sad it’s coming to an end so soon. It’s a genuinely brilliant take on the material that feels as if it could be a proper, full blown sequel to the original, 1954 film (let’s just ignore the two quickie sequels that did get made, because they’re hugely disappointing).

It’s so good to see the Gillman back in action, and I’m glad that Watters and Ram V haven’t headed into familiar water with the story; instead, there’s a number of twists and turns that you won’t see coming, and it’s going to be an agonising wait for the final issue!

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