It may seem daft to complain that a comic named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Street Fighter is lacking in plot, but both properties have had comics featuring well written, if not particularly deep, stories for decades now.

Street Fighter, of course, is the element here that many casual fans may not expect much from, but even this has managed to expand on the reasonably thin excuse for fisticuffs in the video games, numerous times.

What Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Street Fighter has in abundance is glorious art, with brilliantly dynamic and very crunchy fight sequences that feel as if they’re bursting off the page.

There’s a great deal to admire here from an aesthetic point of view, with each franchise’s characters treated respectfully and rendered brilliantly.

If you can get over the fact that so much of the issue is taken up by fighting (and let’s face it, if you’re a Street Fighter fan, that’s probably exactly what you’re looking for), by the end of the issue there is an intriguing story developing.

Not a complete disaster then – and far from it, if you’re looking from a purely artistic point of view – but not exactly an unqualified success either.

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