I suddenly realised, when reading Quantum issue 3 (which you can buy from national newsagents right now!), that I’d completely neglected to review the second issue of the new Time Bomb Comics anthology series.

I felt even worse about this when reading issue 3, because they printed an excerpt of my issue 1 review on the letters page.

So, apologies Time Bomb Comics. I will do my best to review issue 3 in a much timelier manner!

In any case, issue 2 is the subject of this review.

If you liked the first issue, you’ll definitely enjoy the second.

Major Rakhana’s story continues the wonderfully camp retrofuturism – but takes a surprisingly dark turn.

Westernoir’s werewolf tale continues to impress, with some gorgeously spooky pages and nicely minimal storytelling.

The one strip I wasn’t sure about in the first issue, at least initially – Memphis – picks up on a great cliffhanger in an unforeseen way and its clever melding of ancient Egypt and futurism is much more satisfying this time around.

Whatever Happened to the World’s Fastest Man? continues its tragically heroic story; no doubt heading for a tear-jerking conclusion in the near future.

Death and Taxes began with its first chapter here; set in a world where only the wealthy can afford to stay dead, this was a dark and intriguing story that I can’t wait to continue with.

Of course, though those are the main stories, there are numerous other features and short, comedic strips dotted throughout.

It’s once more very impressive, well produced and definitely great value for money. I’m genuinely excited to have been on board for the first issue of Quantum – and I’m very much looking forward to it being around for a very long time to come.

Quantum is a very welcome sight on the magazine racks of British newsagents, which have been bereft of decent comic content for some time, aside (mostly) from the regular issues of 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine that Rebellion publish.

Those and a few, semi-regular specials from other publishers have been just about it for original, homegrown content in the UK for a few decades now – so it’s beyond time that we got ourselves a new comic.

And I’m pleased to say that it’s been worth the wait.

In more ways than one when it comes to Quantum, it’s about time.

You can buy Quantum #1 directly from Time Bomb Comics at this link – and Quantum #2 here. Want to get hold of them both at the same time to save on postage? Well here you go.

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