What is it with Marvel and their shenanigans with numbering of their comics? It’s genuinely confusing, even to those of us who keep up with their series; here, the word ‘Annual’ is so tiny on the cover that you’d be forgiven for thinking that this was the first issue of yet another Alien series from the publisher.

Which is another thing; this isn’t even the first Alien Annual, just to make things even more baffling.

Anyway, you’re not here to read me ranting about Marvel’s tendency to relaunch comics every six months or so – you want to know if this year’s Alien Annual is worth checking out, right?

Short answer: it definitely is.

It’s also a surprisingly unusual story when it comes to Alien comics, being told from the point of view of the Xenomorphs in a pretty much wordless fashion.

It gives us a glimpse at what happens when a facehugger manages to impregnate an entirely different lifeform – and the struggle for dominance that ensues between the ‘standard’ Xenomorphs and the new strain.

It’s really good – and even ties back into the most recent story arc in the latest Alien series too.

So yes, it’s good – but even better if you’ve managed to keep up to date with Marvel’s Alien comics, despite their attempts to make it difficult to keep up!

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