The fourth issue of new British comics anthology, Quantum, has arrived!

The excellent Death and Taxes – with its heady mix of subterfuge and social commentary – adorns the cover of issue four.

Inside, we have the excellent Major Rakhana, which also finds time to fit in a nice bit of political commentary too.

Westernoir’s weird west werewolf tale comes to a climax here – and still has time for a twist!

Memphis also feels like it’s kicking into high gear with its mixture of ancient and sci-fi tech, as we head towards the climax of the story.

Whatever Happened to the World’s Fastest Man? also finds a way to ramp up its poignant tale, with the stakes raised even further as our hero ages – and a shocking development that leads us towards its almost inevitably sad finale.

The usual comedic strips also feature, along with plenty of articles and extra content.

As I mentioned in the review of issue 3, the bi-monthly release schedule of Quantum just doesn’t feel like enough – every time I finish an issue, I want more straight away!

As I’ve also said before, that’s certainly not a bad ‘problem’ to have – and I also respect the fact that it must take some time to put together each issue!

So of course, I do appreciate the work put in by the creators and Time Bomb Comics themselves.

As if you can’t guess my thoughts on the matter, issue 4 is another fantastic release from Time Bomb Comics and the team.

It’s wonderful to be able to walk into a shop and buy Quantum straight off the shelf; it’s a lovely, tangible read that I can’t wait to get my hands on every two months.

Oh, and the pages smell divine too. If that makes me weird, so be it.

I’ll just be sat in the corner taking in the lovely sights and smells of Quantum.

Though you’ll have to venture out into the real world to buy Quantum #4 right now, you can buy Quantum #1 directly from Time Bomb Comics at this link, Quantum #2 here and issue 3 here. Want to get hold of the first two issues at the same time to save on postage? Well here you go.

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