Frank lives in a dangerous world, doing rough work for an equally dangerous boss.

Twenty years prior to the story presented in Incision #1, an event known as The Hijack changed humanity forever. Though many in the world’s population were unchanged, The Hijack also altered many humans, giving them superhuman abilities and altering their bodies.

There’s generally signs if someone has been altered – or turned into a ‘Jack’ – and, though Frank himself has undergone changes, he believes that he’s something more.

Yet when he struggles to control a specific aspect of his body, Frank’s boss is less than happy – which could spell trouble for our somewhat enhanced protagonist.

From the brilliantly coloured, beautiful 90s-homage aesthetic of the cover onwards, Incision #1 is an immediately compelling read, with some very efficient world building and plenty of hard hitting, crunchy action sequences.

There’s a lot of information to divulge about the status quo of our main character’s world; the way it’s imparted through boxes of narration also put me in mind of the classic comics I grew up with. Billy Diamond Jr does fantastic work to homage the style and overall feel of 90s comics with the script.

I was truly impressed with creator Jay Red’s art; a few pages in particular really stood out for some great layouts and compositions – particularly with action scenes.

I was also pretty blown away with the excellent colouring work by Maja Opacic – as with the contributions from the other creators, Opacic gives the comic a classically nostalgic vibe.

It ends with a great cliffhanger too, setting the scene for the story to develop in a very intriguing way in the second issue.

Incision #1 is going to be launching its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in January – and it’s a comic I’d highly recommend checking out, particularly if you grew up in an era where comic books themselves were making attempts to mature themselves.

You can register for the pre-launch right here.

Many thanks to Jay Red for providing me with a review copy of Incision #1.

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