The first crossover featuring Marvel’s most enduringly popular mutant and the intergalactic big game hunter comes to a close in Predator vs Wolverine #4.

Their pairing is a no-brainer, of course, but licensing had prevented them meeting up until Marvel’s parent company, Disney, acquired the rights to Fox’s IP – which of course includes the Predator.

This crossover has seen Wolverine pursued at various points in his extended lifespan, the Yautja repeatedly attempting to get their hands on him and always having to retreat, lick their wounds and try again.

Over the course of Wolverine’s life, he’s left to fend for himself as a kid in the wilderness, enhanced with an adamantium-laced skeleton in the Weapon X program, spends time learning the ways of the Samurai in Japan and joins the X-Men.

Writer Benjamin Percy finds a way to fit that all in, with a different, era-appropriate aesthetic for each time period – without it feeling forced or contrived.

It’s really good – and, as has been the case from the beginning, surprisingly graphic in terms of its gore.

Though the hunt comes to an end in this issue, hopefully this isn’t the last time that Wolverine and the Yautja cross paths; considering this could have been a lazily slapped together crossover, Percy has gone the extra mile in its conception, giving us a great narrative with some genuinely clever moments.

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