Have things ever looked darker for the Daywalker?

Blade has failed to stop the ancient evil of the Adana – and the world is paying the terrible price.

His friends are too – even Doctor Strange is trying to keep Blade from attacking the Adana again and risk making the situation even worse.

Can he beat her? And if not, who can he turn to for help?

Bryan Edward Hill’s Blade has been a bit of a revelation.

Not since Marc Guggenheim’s short-lived noughties reboot has the character had such a compelling series, but Hill’s dark, gore drenched take on the character is as good as Blade has ever been.

It’s refreshing that it’s taken us deeper into the supernatural world too, far beyond the usual vampires and more big standard enemies that Blade usually comes up against.

Elena Casagrande’s art is a perfect fit too; though this is less action-oriented than prior chapters, Casagrande delivers regardless.

If you’ve had any interest in Blade in the past but have always been let down by the comic book incarnations of the character (except in a few cases, I suspect), rest assured that you’ll likely find yourself enjoying this particular series.

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