While Sheriff Dunn has found his way back to the righteous path, his brother – who goes by the name of Ambush – hasn’t followed.

When Ambush is killed – despite the his brother’s best efforts to make him see the light – the Sheriff can finally lay him to rest, fulfilling a promise made to their mother before she passed.

Yet the Ceaseless Reaper is coming – and it seems there’s still a further price to be paid for the sins of the past.

This is a really impressive comic, with a great, involving story and a devastating twist in the tail.

Writer Ryan George creates a compellingly dark, morally ambiguous Old West tale – ably assisted by Bobby Brice’s art and Marta Gasperoni’s dusty, dark colours – where nothing is as black and white as it may seem, dripping with atmosphere and incredibly vivid violence.

It’s a fantastic story – and, following a successful Kickstarter campaign, can now be purchased here.

Many thanks to Ryan George for providing me with a copy of A Debt to the Ceaseless Reaper for review purposes.

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