In the first issue of Voyager, ordinary guy Gus Benes was whisked away in a tornado to a very strange world.

Though that may sound very Wizard of Oz, what transpired in Voyager #1’s pages was very different to the events in Dorothy’s story.

Stuck in a seemingly ancient world, surrounded by very deadly creatures, Gus is going to have to step up if he wants to survive.

Yet he’s not the only person out here – and certainly not the only person under threat from these terrifying, relentless beasts.

This is a fantastic continuation of the story that began in Voyager #1; though that issue juggled the mundane and the fantastical successfully, the second issue doesn’t have to do that at all, with it being set entirely in the bizarre realm where Gus is trapped.

There’s some really neat touches when it comes to showing, rather than telling, how the passage of time differs from that in the ‘real’ world.

The creature design is phenomenal too, with more than one type of critter – if you look beyond those nasty predators on the cover, you can just about see a beast of burden there; both are featured heavily in this issue.

Once more, the art style, pacing and even setting recall the fantastical comic strips you’d find in a European graphic album; it’s a really impressive collaboration between writer Rodolfo Santullo and artist Roberto Viacava, both turning in great work.

I’m loathe to go into too much detail on the plot; especially as Voyager #2 is currently seeking funds on Kickstarter.

I can highly recommend it, however, without spoiling its content further.

Voyager is an imaginative, unique and atmospheric comic with some dazzling art – and, if you missed out on the first issue, you can also receive it as part of a reward for backing the second.

You can pledge at various levels for print or digital copies of the issue (and the first, as mentioned!), as well as getting hold of bonus rewards too. The Kickstarter campaign page for Voyager #2 can be found here.

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