Image Credit: Big Finish

Though many people would beg to differ, I’m pretty sure I’m not an idiot.

I’m also pretty familiar with Torchwood, very familiar with Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) – and his, shall we say, lack of restrictions and restraint – as well as his past with the equally (ahem) flexible Captain John Hart (James Marsters).

Yet I was still taken aback when this tale of the two morally dubious Time Agents really kicked into gear, post intro, with scene after scene of very energetic and graphic (by audio standards at least!) sex.

So while I might not be an idiot – the jury’s still out on that – I do feel like one for not seeing this, er…coming.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

The Death of Captain Jack sees the leader of Cardiff’s Torchwood Three on his deathbed, with old partner/flame/antagonist John Hart turning up to pay his last respects.

However, given that Jack is nigh on invincible, what’s really going on? And what has John got to do with it?

As John’s mad tale unfolds, we get to go on a whirlwind historical tour, with the pair of rogues fucking their way through time – before they go their separate ways and we find out what’s really led to Jack’s current, deteriorating condition.

It’s an absolute riot from start to finish, with some phenomenally crazy stuff thrown into the mix – for example: if you’ve ever wanted to see the King and Queen of the British Empire inside a mech, taking down a kaiju, now’s your chance.

James Marsters has an absolute blast as the narcissistic, gleefully nasty John Hart; you can tell he’s having the time of his life here – and, despite the story’s title, it’s very much his show.

Of course, John Barrowman gets his own time in the spotlight and doesn’t disappoint either, though for the most part he takes a backseat as the dying Jack Harkness, listening to the increasingly improbable events unfold.

There’s an impressive number of cameos over the course of the story too, not just from famous historical figures but also from familiar Torchwood characters.

The less prominent characters – including those from Torchwood and the aforementioned historical personalities – get to deal with their own unusual twists on what we usually expect from them; the supporting cast are just as good as our principal players here.

One of my favourite characters from the Torchwood audio dramas even gets to make an appearance; though I won’t spoil it and reveal their identity here, their presence was very welcome.

The Death of Captain Jack is superb; it’s fast paced, laugh out loud funny, full of naughtiness and ends on a clever note too; plus, it doesn’t require much familiarity with the Torchwood universe beyond the TV series – so as long as you’re au fait with the show, you’ll be fine to just jump straight in here, like an insatiably horny Time Agent.

Another winner from Big Finish’s Torchwood range, then – which I’ve been incredibly impressed with so far.

Check out my reviews of other Whoniverse audio dramas from Big Finish here. You can buy Torchwood: The Death of Captain Jack directly from Big Finish in digital or CD plus digital form here.

If you prefer, you can buy the CD from Amazon here.

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