Image Credit: Image Comics

Danny’s new enforcer job turns out to be more nuanced than he was led to believe, which could have devastating consequences.

Meanwhile, someone else is looking for Danny, but the person they’ve asked for assistance is looking for payback.

Finally, Davis is getting his chance to be noticed, but can he keep his mouth shut long enough for it to pay off?

As much as I’m absolutely riveted by the brilliantly written, gritty, wrestling adjacent drama in Ringside, it does get to a point where you wish that something would go right for at least one of its characters.

That’s not to say that many of them are even that likable; though they’re all prone to doing stupid and sometimes nasty stuff, however, they’re all pretty nuanced.

There’s the sense that lots of chickens are coming home to roost in all of the various strands of the story; it doesn’t feel like it’ll be long before we see things come tumbling down in different ways for everyone here, as well as a few characters we’ve met and spent time with before.

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