Image Credit: Image Comics

Danny Knossos has officially reached his lowest point in his time as an enforcer, yet almost unbelievably, it seems that things may get even worse.

How is he going to get himself out of the awful situation he now finds himself in?

Meanwhile, Reynolds is also at his lowest ebb; not only has he lost his shot at the big time for something very minor, but his new partner is seemingly skipping town without even saying goodbye.

Just another dramatic chapter in the ongoing Ringside saga.

Though things do start to turn around a bit for one of the main characters here, as well as a potential plan for a way out suggested for another, it’s not hard to imagine that things may not be looking rosy for anyone for too long.

It remains utterly gripping and sadly underappreciated; ten issues in and Ringside is still shocking, well written and incredibly compelling.

Where next for Danny Knossos and the characters within or just outside his orbit?

Though it seems the only way is up from here, when it comes to Ringside, all bets are off.

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