Image Credit: Image Comics

Despite the risks he’s taken with his new job, things seem to have worked out great for Danny Knossos.

His ex-boyfriend, Teddy, may finally be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel too.

Many miles away, even Reynolds is seeing his desperate situation improve, with him being given the chance to revive an old gimmick.

Yep, things seem to be going right for the characters of Ringside for a change.

Which makes me super nervous.

Because in this grim, wrestling adjacent world, no one gets this lucky without the pendulum swinging the other way, hard.

It is nice to read an issue where things go well for a change, but if the Davis interview sequences really are flash forwards, it seems like there’s still a lot more heartbreak to come.

Brace yourselves.

Oh, and read Ringside. It’s fantastic.

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