Image Credit: Big Finish

The first ‘season’ of The Paternoster Gang comes to a close with this fourth box set, offering a Christmas crossover, a tale of mythical creatures running amok in Victorian London and a suitably epic climax.

Up first is Merry Christmas, Mr Jago. In this seasonal tale, the titular impresario Henry Gordon Jago (the wonderful Christopher Benjamin) is adrift with his usual sparring partner, Professor Litefoot (the late, much missed Trevor Baxter) away on holiday.

So he decides to entertain the local orphans, dressing up as Father Christmas and making his presence known at 13 Paternoster Row, just as the household experiences a rather Gremlins-esque infestation.

The second story, The Ghost Writers, sees the gang investigating mythological creatures loose on the streets and establishments of the capital. There’s something very strange afoot, and Vastra finds herself investigating a mysterious, ancient tome that may prove to also hold the key to solving the mystery of the fauns and sirens in the city.

Lastly, the gang find themselves taking on a very unexpected foe, with unlikely allies on their side. Can our found family trio stay together in the face of their biggest threat yet?

The entire first series of The Paternoster Gang feels like a proper gift to Doctor Who fans, and this final box set wraps up the series brilliantly.

The Heritage sub-title of the series is once again justified and several seeds, subtle and otherwise, that were sown right from the beginning pay off here wonderfully.

The main cast, Neve McIntosh as Silurian Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as her human wife/maid Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as Sontaran Butler, Strax all play their respective roles to perfection; it’s as if they’ve never been away at all, and any time spent with this odd bunch of found family is an absolute joy.

Benjamin as Jago also turns in his usual, sterling work as the charming, amusing Jago and there’s quite a bit of high drama, particularly towards the end of the set, with a number of beautifully touching moments.

The circumstances leading to those moments arising won’t be spoiled here, however. Suffice to say that, if this were to be the end of The Paternoster Gang’s adventures, it would be an utterly fitting swan song for them.

Luckily, that’s not the case, as a second series is now underway featuring the trio.

The Heritage series of four box sets is a brilliant showcase for the characters and their setting, however, allowing for a great exploration of each of the main characters and a reaffirming of just why they work so well together, as well as how much they seem to need each other.

Brilliant stuff; I’m already very keen to spend more time with them, even as this set ends.

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