Image Credit: Big Finish

The Sixth Doctor (or Sixie, as he’s known affectionately by the fandom) got short shrift on TV; Colin Baker’s run was cut short without his character given the time or space (pun unintended) to truly develop.

Though he had much more significant screen time than, say, Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor, Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor still feels like he wasn’t truly given a fair shot, at least on TV.

Yet, also in common with the Eighth Doctor, good old Sixie has had an extended second life beyond the screen, with Big Finish’s audio adventures allowing the character to truly develop and become a real fan favourite.

Though often prickly and patronising in his screen appearances, Sixie has really softened and become much more endearing over the decades he’s appeared in audio.

Talking of decades, The Quin Dilemma is an anniversary celebration to mark 40 years since Sixie’s first appearance, with a title that plays on his very first on-screen adventure, The Twin Dilemma.

And what an epic it is.

It’s chock full of references, callbacks and even the number of stories (six!) cleverly play into the theme of paying tribute to Baker’s belatedly beloved Sixth Doctor.

In The Quin Dilemma, the Doctor is pursued through time and space by identical Quin Princes, as they compete to be the first to kill Sixie, in order to be crowned the ruler of their home world.

That story thread takes us through the entirety of this box set, with dragons in Lindisfarne in the Dark Ages (in one of many neat self referential touches that may well go unnoticed by many listeners, it’s set on Colin Baker’s actual birthday, which, coincidentally, is the same as my own), a two-part alien civil war story with added Sontarans, trouble on a beautiful farming world and, finally, right back to where we started on the planet Arunopal – albeit with multiple versions of Sixie – for the climax.

With each story taking place at a different point in Sixie’s timeline, it’s a great showcase for his relationship with a variety of companions too; it’s lovely to hear Nicola Bryant and Bonnie Langford back as Peri Brown and Mel Bush, respectively, but several more of the Doctor’s friends make an appearance.

There’s an absolutely wonderful, extended sequence in which the Doctor and Peri get to have a real heart to heart about how their relationship got off on the wrong foot when the Fifth Doctor regenerated into the Sixth; which is putting it mildly, seeing as Sixie ended up trying to strangle poor Peri.

Yet The Quin Dilemma truly goes the extra mile to right some decades-overdue wrongs and oversights in a really good way. If you’re a long term fan of the show, this segment is worth the price of admission alone.

However, there’s plenty more to enjoy here and it really does feel like a big, celebratory way to revisit this misunderstood incarnation of the Doctor, as well as many of his companions.

It’s a wonderful love letter not just to Sixie, but to Colin Baker himself who, at 80 years old, still seems to hold real affection for the character and his friends.

From the behind the scenes material that accompanies this set, which is copious and, as always, brilliant, it’s clear that he’s also very grateful to have had the chance to give Sixie the care, attention and development he missed out on the first time around.

Somewhat appropriately, the Sixth Doctor has regenerated into a much more well rounded form; so much so that he’s one of my favourite incarnations of the Doctor to listen to via the Big Finish audio dramas.

Baker’s warmth and appreciation for the role constantly shines through, as does the chemistry he has with the rest of the cast.

Though it does feel as if it gets a little self indulgent in the last half of the final story, I think it can be forgiven, because The Quin Dilemma does such a fantastic job of honouring the Sixth Doctor in all his forms, over the four decades of his existence.

Wonderful stuff.

You can purchase Doctor Who: The Quin Dilemma directly from Big Finish here.

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2 responses to “Review: Doctor Who: The Quin Dilemma (Audio Drama)”

  1. Such a fantastic showcase of the rehabilitation of both Sixie and Peri (not to mention Mel) at Big Finish. I love that Sixie finally asks Peri the question most fans have been asking for decades: why did she stay with the Doctor after the horrible way he treated her both in Twin Dilemma, and throughout their first season? I particularly love that her answer is so rooted in his regeneration in Androzani and also fleshes out Peri’s backstory. It so fits Big Finish’s characterization of both Peri and Sixie.

    It’s wonderful to see Sixie and Peri is such a good place, happy to be traveling together. And it’s great to see Flip and Constance again. A wonderful gift to the fans!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment David, couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said there!


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