When Holt, Ed and Mabel visited the site of the seven-year-old mining disaster just outside Canary, the last thing they expected to hear from a recording of sounds at the site was live, pleading human voices.

At the creepy climax of the last issue, however, that is exactly what happened.

So what’s really down there? And what can the group find out from Mabel, whose father was so determined to keep digging, leading to so many people apparently losing their lives?

What’s more, how could this possibly link to Holt’s past experience with a serial killer in the area?

One thing’s for sure, lots of different threads are coming together, and the disturbing truth of what’s really happened (and happening) in Canary is soon going to come to the surface.

Wow, this was quite the issue; though part of the central mystery is revealed here, there’s an awful lot still to be uncovered, and our three protagonists have got to get themselves out of some serious danger by the time this fourth chapter wraps up.

It’s such a riveting story, brilliantly told by writer Scott Snyder and artist Dan Panosian; the colours and pencils from the latter doing a great job of providing a truly foreboding atmosphere, with Snyder’s script masterfully ratcheting up the tension.

I’m really enjoying Canary so far; it’s definitely an underrated and underrappreciated comic that should be lavished with far more attention and acclaim.

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