I think it’s fair to say that the beasts are loose in Canary’s penultimate issue, with the true horror of what happened to the miners, thought long dead, revealed in a very explicit and sustained way.

Saying that, questions remain; not only in terms of what’s causing the horrific mutations, but also who is behind them. With further links to Holt’s past still to be brought to light, the stage is set for an epic climax.

This issue is one hell of a ride, feeling like a real horror story, with serious danger and lots of tension as the awful creature exposes itself.

Scott Snyder and Dan Panosian do a great job of selling the awful monster as a credible and undeniably gruesome threat, but leave enough of a mystery and open threads for us readers to return, to see what fate befalls the seemingly doomed, eponymous town and its inhabitants.

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