The bomb has dropped, and the only survivors appear to be a mismatched group of teens who, for the most part, really don’t like each other.

Yet they’re going to have to work together in order to survive, and it seems like they may have already lost one of the group.

Who was responsible for the attack, though? And what on earth is happening to the wildlife in the area?

Drawing on the main character’s love for movies, this second issue focuses on the unfolding horror in the immediate aftermath of the bomb blast.

There’s almost a few too many disparate things going on; it’s a melting pot of 50s B-movie tropes and visuals, but with Scott Snyder at the helm, no doubt there’ll be an explanation that ties everything together as we progress through the series.

It’s good, despite a few of the sillier elements, with some truly excellent artwork by Rafael Albuquerque that really sells the horrors, as daft as some of them are.

It’s generally the case for me that I enjoy the journey in Scott Snyder’s comics more than the destination, but time will tell if we get a satisfying conclusion that wraps up this unusual and unique series.

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