It can be very difficult for indie comics to break through the necessary barriers and get noticed, especially when the industry tends to be dominated by just a few big names.

From Scratch Comics, however, have been quietly and steadily putting together an impressive line up, all from creator Lanier Burton, and all without any reliance on crowdfunding or any other outside assistance.

This first issue of Burton’s Man in Machine focuses on a character that first appeared in another of the Creator’s comics: True Science Fiction 2.

It tells the tale of a hotshot, ex-military pilot who’s using his talents to help his father carry out shady arms deals. Somewhat exploited by his egotistical father, he’s put in harm’s way when a deal goes wrong.

This leads to a tragedy that his father is determined to put right, and the birth of the Man in Machine of the comic’s title.

I felt like this was a really promising comic that could perhaps have used a bit of editing and a more fleshed out set of characters. It doesn’t feel like there’s anyone to truly root for here, with even the main character coming across as having a bit of a chip on his shoulder (though admittedly, when it comes to his dad, he does have good reason for this).

The climax is a bit rushed, the gore feels a bit out of place and the character of Man in Machine itself, even its origin, feels pretty derivative.

Yet the art and the colouring, by Igor Frederico, gives the comic a unique, underground comix style aesthetic which definitely has a certain appeal.

It’s also admirable that the main cast members are people of colour, giving the comic a diversity that many mainstream titles lack.

I also found Burton’s determination to just get work out there pretty impressive too, given that it’s all self produced and funded.

I definitely think that just the existence of comics such as Man in Machine should be celebrated, despite the problems it has.

It’s a fun, daft, B-movie style comic book that shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

Credit where credit’s due, Lanier Burton has put this (and an impressive lineup of other comics too) together against all odds, and hopefully the next issue can build upon the work done here.

You can check out Man in Machine and Lanier Burton’s other comics at his official website,

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