Chun Li and Raphael have been captured by the evil M. Bison and weaselly scientist, Baxter Stockman. Can the nasty duo stop bickering for long enough to set their plan, whatever it may be, in motion? Or will our two heroes escape without them even noticing?

Across the city, the rest of the Turtles and the Street Fighters are planning a rescue, and they may have hit up on a reveal on who is behind the mysterious disappearances that have been plaguing their tournament.

This series seems to have really found its feet, despite an unsurprisingly paper-thin premise, and it’s a lot of fun, full of clever, downright amusing character moments that do a great job of highlighting the traits of its somewhat sprawling cast.

Though I really like the almost caricature-style art by Ariel Medel, I hadn’t noticed until a few panels in this issue just how chonky his Turtles are! Not that it’s bad, by any means, but it’s a somewhat surprising visual when you see it.

Anyway, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Street Fighter is a fun read if you’re a fan of both franchises. The more hardcore fans of Street Fighter lore (and yes, they totally exist) might balk at the more comedic elements here, but if they were expecting a TMNT/Street Fighter crossover to take itself seriously, that’s certainly not the fault of this light action-comedy comic.

Oh, and the final panel is superb, by the way; it’s a fantastic cliffhanger.

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