Image Credit: IDW

Spoiler alert: Shredder is here! Though he’s not quite the evil, metal clad warrior we’ve seen before; instead, he seems to have been massively affected by Bison’s Psycho Power shenanigans. Cowardly scientist Baxter Stockman wants nothing to do with the whole situation, however; leading to a shaky alliance between him and our crossover heroes, who are on their way to rescue a trapped Raphael.

This series continues to deliver exactly what is promised, with a campy, very silly storyline, along with phenomenal art and surprisingly great writing when it comes to the characterisation of our various heroes and villains.

It’s not exactly literature, but that’s not what you want or expect from a crossover of this nature, is it?

The characters from each franchise meet, argue, team up and fight; the only surprise is how well done it is, when it could have just been phoned in.

Though TMNT does have quite the pedigree when it comes to comics, having been born in an indie comic 40 years ago, you may not be aware that Street Fighter has a long, surprisingly lore rich history thanks to comics too. Yet there’s not too much delving into either world here beyond the surface details, and if you’re a casual reader you may not understand who Jennika is, for example; however, even with that particular character, the creators have given you all you need to know with one quick line of dialogue.

Which really speaks volumes about how nicely crafted this series is for fans of one, or both of the franchises it covers; if you have knowledge gaps, they tend to be anticipated and filled in quite quickly for you.

It’s a lot of fun, and with just one issue to go, I’m both very keen to see how the series ends, and a bit sad that this lightning paced, action packed crossover is over so soon.

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