As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I’ve now reached fifty consecutive days of posting on the blog. Which, I think you’ll agree, is quite a milestone!

Without counting today’s post, I’ve only once resorted to what I’d consider ‘filler’ – even then, it was a similar piece to this one in that I was reflecting on reaching a milestone – in that instance, it was reaching a week of daily posts. That seems like a really long time ago!

I’ve worked hard to keep the momentum going and I’ve also tried my best to keep up the quality of my writing – I hope, for those of you that have been reading my posts, I’ve achieved that.

I’m slightly embarrassed that my most viewed post so far has been the one about you-know-what, but I can’t say I’m entirely surprised.

I’m especially proud of being able to cover lesser known indie titles and give them a boost, however small that may be. I’ve mentioned a number of times about how those smaller titles can struggle to find an audience, not only because they’re competing against big budget, triple-A titles, but also because they’re competing against other indies – on digital storefronts where discoverability has been a huge issue for a number of years now.

I’m glad I’ve been able to cover things like films, board games and tabletop RPGs too, if only to prove that I could! I also managed to overcome my possibly irrational fear of sharing my fiction, though I’ve only been brave enough to post a single chapter so far.

Given that I’ve managed to reach this significant milestone, I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank anyone who’s taken the time to read any of my posts – and also to those of you who have commented or liked any of my work. It makes a big difference to me – even a single like helps to keep me motivated!

I guess I can officially call myself a blogger now, right? Though I may not be able to keep up with such a punishing schedule – and it really has been tough – I hope to continue being able to bring you interesting and varied pieces as much as possible. Here’s to the next fifty days!

If you’ve enjoyed reading this – or any of my other content – it’d be much appreciated if you’re able to share this article via social media. I’d also be forever grateful if you’re able to support me via: – which would assist me in writing even more content just like this. Above all else though, thanks for reading – I truly appreciate it!

2 responses to “Day 50 – Am I A Blogger Now?”

  1. You are a blogger! You have been a blogger well before you reached this milestone. However well done for doing 50 days of consecutive posts! It’s seriously impressive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it – this is just the sort of encouragement I need to keep going 😁👍

      Liked by 1 person

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