You can probably guess my enthusiasm levels for catching up with the Titan Battletoads comic – which attempts to fill in the gaps between the trio’s last game, Battletoads Arcade in 1994, and the 2020 reboot – by how long it’s been since I reviewed the first issue. Yep, it’s been a whole year since I covered issue one, which I wasn’t overly enamoured with.

In this issue, the feisty amphibians continue their fight in the arena during the Grand Fistival, but when an overzealous defeat of an opponent ends with the disappearance of said adversary, two of the toads set off to find out what’s really going on behind the Fistival’s facade. What they find spells danger for at least one of the trio – but will it be too late to save their companion?

The humour tries way too hard to be meta and random, often missing the mark in terms of actually being funny. Yet it’s an easy, fast-paced read with some very nicely colourful, stylised art. The story does at least feel like it’s going somewhere interesting too, which is more than can be said for the events of the previous issue.

Just as the first issue was free to download, the second is too – so if you’re even a tiny bit curious or you’re actually one of those fairly rare beasts known as a ‘Battletoads fan’, you may as well check it out. Even if the story is somewhat unsatisfying – and the characters rarely more than irritating in their tendency to break the fourth wall – the art is wonderful.

Issue 3 – which concludes the series – is available and free too; I’ll be reading and reviewing that as soon as I have a chance.

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One response to “Comic Book Review: Battletoads #2”

  1. […] I reviewed the first issue over a year ago and promptly forgot all about it, but covered issue two yesterday and thought I should probably just finish the series off once and for […]


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