One of the best things about the Evercade is that the collections – even when they’re from companies who have constantly re-released their back catalogue games over the years – will often feature hidden gems or games you perhaps never thought you’d be able to play ‘officially’ again.

The Piko Interactive Collection 1 is the latter; stuffed full of titles that were never blockbusters, but were generally fondly remembered by those who got to play them.

The one exception as a game you won’t have played back in the 8 or 16-bit eras is Dorke and Ymp – that’s because , though it was made in the 90s, it was never actually released back then.

Dorke and Ymp

This collection is full of great games though, it must be said.

In my opinion , the Piko Interactive Collection 1 offers the best value of all the first ten Evercade cartridges; certainly in terms of the number of genres that are represented, as well as the relative depth (and length) of the games it contains.

Though it’s become a bit of a cliché for me to say that Evercade collections are a mixed bag – with the hit/miss ratio sometimes being fairly narrow in determining whether or not any given cartridge is worth a purchase – I can absolutely recommend the Piko Interactive Collection 1 as unmissable.

Most of the games included stand up even now, without having to rely on the lure of nostalgia to sway you.

Despite my evaluation of the collection as unmissable, that’s not to say it’s 100% perfect.

Of course, others may enjoy the titles I wasn’t so keen on.

Power Punch II did nothing for me, for example – it’s left feeling like a rip-off of Punch Out!, which was a game I wasn’t much of a fan of anyway.

It seems that this was a universally panned game back in its day too, so I’m perhaps not alone in being unable to glean much enjoyment from it.

The Humans is a sort of Lemmings-style platform puzzler with cavepeople as its protagonists. Though initially appealing and pretty nice from a visual standpoint, it’s so incredibly slow paced and reliant on backtracking that it does become pretty annoying.

Way of the Exploding Fist was a critical and commercial success upon release in the mid-80s, but can’t help feeling too dated to be very enjoyable these days. Nostalgia may save this one for you though!

Brave Battle Saga

RPGs are well represented on this collection – and there’s even great variety just in this particular genre.

Brave Battle Saga – which was a true knock-off of other games, featuring sprites literally lifted from different titles – is actually a much better game than you may be expecting.

Drakkhen and its sequel Dragon View are both impressively open games with neat faux-3D overworld exploration – even though they do suffer from the common retro game problem of being a bit obtuse; both could benefit greatly from modern quest logs and pointers.

Chinese mythology-based title Canon is another hidden RPG gem and isometric Western RPG game The Inmortal, though pretty punishing, is a game that really benefits from using save states on the Evercade.

There’s also a good selection of platformers, though they can be split into sub-categoried such as run-and-gun as well as more traditional, cutesy, character led games.

8-Eyes, Jim Power, Power Piggs of the Dark Ages, Radical Rex, Switchblade and Tinhead are all well worth playing; none are bad games by any means.

A few beat ’em ups also made the cut: both Iron Commando and Water Margin are excellent examples of the genre.

Top Racer

Shoot ’em up Magical Girl, action adventure Nightshade and 16-bit racing game Top Racer – aka Top Gear – are the final games included, with Top Gear being one of the finest games on the cartridge in my opinion.

So there you have it; probably the first true must have game in the numerical order of the Evercade – and one that doesn’t overly rely on nostalgia for its appeal.

There’s several obscure titles here that absolutely deserve more exposure and even the better known titles are less frequently available than the most familiar games on, say, the Namco and Atari collections.

It’s this kind of collection that really demonstrates the value and convenience of the Evercade, whether you play on the original handheld, the EXP or on your TV via the Evercade VS.

Great stuff, but be warned: this collection has officially entered Legacy status, which means that it’s now out of print.

Once current stock is sold through at retail, that’s it for this particular cartridge.

No doubt eBay prices will rise and it’ll become both more costly and more difficult to get your hands on Piko Interactive Collection 1, so get it while you still can!

You can purchase the Piko Interactive Collection 1 cartridge from Amazon here.

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3 responses to “Review: Piko Interactive Collection 1 (Evercade Cartridge 09)”

  1. […] especially annoying for genuinely brilliant collections such as Piko Interactive Collection 1 and The Oliver Twins Collection, both of which are absolutely essential for any Evercade […]


  2. […] first Piko Interactive Collection for the Evercade remains one of my favourite cartridges for the console – an eclectic mix of […]


  3. […] it includes; think back to the first Evercade cartridges and just how many games they included; Piko Interactive Collection 1, for example, contains 20 8-bit and 16-bit games with a massive amount of variety. Not to mention […]


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