Image Credit: Blaze Entertainment

Though it feels a little cheeky to choose an Evercade cartridge that I haven’t even reviewed yet, one of the reasons I haven’t yet got around to reviewing Goodboy Galaxy/Witch N’ Wiz is that I simply cannot put it down.

I did toy with choosing Full Void – especially seeing as it’s the only non-arcade Evercade game that I’ve actually managed to reach the end credits of.

Yet the fact that it’s just a single game on the cartridge, with a relatively brief length, means that – despite its very high quality – it just falls a little short of the value you’d normally expect from an Evercade collection.

Despite there only being two games on the Goodboy Galaxy/Witch N’ Wiz cartridge, both games are superb – with Goodboy Galaxy being an absolute masterpiece that demands the attention of all Evercade owners.

It’s not without issues – that map could be a little more helpful in directing you to the myriad characters you come across on your travels, plus its platforming challenges can be a little frustrating at times – but its colourful, almost Metroidvania-esque run-and-gun charm is undeniable.

It’s a big game with an incredible amount to do and discover too – plus a great number of upgrades to your good little doggy’s loadout over the course of the game.

The structure of each planet – whereby one item of your three main pieces of equipment is locked out, depending on the gate you go through – is really clever, with great use of wraparound levels too.

It’s a fantastic game that overshadows the puzzle platformer Witch N’ Wiz, which itself is a great game, if a little too reliant on trial and error at times.

Be sure to stay tuned for my review, once I’ve made it to the end of Goodboy Galaxy at least – but for now, rest assured that, if you’re an Evercade owner, this is definitely a cartridge you should add to your collection.

You can buy Goodboy Galaxy/Witch N’ Wiz from Amazon here.

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