The very memorable Doomlord made his debut back in March 1982, first popping up as a photo strip in the newly relaunched, weekly anthology comic, Eagle.

For readers of a certain age, Doomlord was pretty creepy stuff; the black and white photography lent it a fairly scary look, despite the cheesiness of the alien’s mask and the done-on-the-cheap settings and drawn on effects.

As an adult, the utter camp silliness of the whole thing is hard to escape, and it’s this very daftness that Doomlord parody The Chefs of Death lampoons, and dials up to 11.

This sequel continues with the same deliberately ridiculous tone as the first comic, parodying Doomlord and littering the pages with countless pop culture references; most obvious but some slightly less so.

An Inside No. 9 joke is telegraphed a mile away, but still made me chuckle when the characters mentioned it, and numerous nods to The Room, Die Hard and more also make it a really fun read, with incredibly silly puns and plot developments throughout.

The story this time around sees more aliens from the planet Kabrullion heading for Earth, with Zarmdov’s siblings and father on the hunt for him after his disappearance. Unbeknownst to his family, Zarmdov was defeated by a pair of journalists, who are about to be roped into more alien invasion shenanigans.

Though I’ve mentioned numerous pop culture references that are dropped into The Chefs of Death #2, the targets for the creators are far wider, with numerous digs at various political situations and figures, just like in the first issue, slotted into the action too.

There’s also a surprising and welcome number of cameos at one point, including what appears to be the original Doomlord himself as God, which makes things feel very meta.

It’s not exactly subtle stuff, but it does seem like everyone involved is having an absolute blast, which is pretty infectious.

No prior knowledge of Doomlord or even The Chefs of Death #1 is needed to enjoy this second issue, which is currently seeking funds on Kickstarter; numerous pledge levels give you the option of nabbing both issues, in any case, along with a limited number of pledges that give you the opportunity to feature in the comic yourself!

You can back The Chefs of Death #2 right here; it’s also worth noting that the profits raised from the sale of the comic are being donated to mental health charity, Mind, which is a very worthy cause indeed!

Many thanks to creator Alex Finch for providing me with an early digital copy of The Chefs of Death #2 for review purposes.

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